Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Block Lotto Time! by Tracy Scott

Excited with her win of the block lotto a few months ago Kim has decided to build on her won blocks by making a bunch more. She has a special someone in mind for this quilt. I found some brick red fat quarters to flesh out her colour palette and she started sewing her very neatly organized blocks this afternoon. I just had to capture the moment as her block sets looked so cute festooned with their pastel coloured clips! Kim has a gift for making everyday things fun and pretty!

Here is an example of the "cute and pretty" comment. I didn't know I was going to make this blog entry but just happend to take a cheery picture of Kim's sweet tea cozy. It inspired me!

Our Victoria Modern Quilt guild wants us to learn new techniques in our block lotto. This one is all about free-form curves - something that Kim and I have shied away from. What do you think of this one? Kim says she is going to sew her block lotto quilt FIRST - which I think is very responsible!